
Actassi 12-Core 9μm OS2 HDPE Unitube Light Armoured Fiber Cable - Powerhouse
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Actassi 12-Core 9μm OS2 HDPE Unitube Light Armoured Fiber Cable

Actassi 12-Core 9μm OS2 HDPE Unitube Light Armoured Fiber Cable

Item Number: ACTUDUTLA12SM9

Schneider Actassi 12-Core 9μm OS2 HDPE Unitube Light Armoured Fiber Cable price in Pakistan is Rs 1,430,000/-.


This Unitube light-armoured outdoor cable consists of 12 fibers with single mode optical OS2 performance. The cable features a loose tube, made of a high modulus plastic. The tube is filled with a water-resistant filling compound and is longitudinally wrapped with a layer of Polyethylene Steel Polyethylene (PSP). Between the PSP and the loose tube, water-blocking material is applied to keep the cable compact and watertight. Two parallel steel wires are placed at the two sides of the steel tape. The cable is covered with a polyethylene (PE) sheath to protect cable from ultraviolet radiation.


• Range: Actassi

• product: Fibre optic cable single mode

• Device application: Communication

• Maximum attenuation: 0.3 dB / 1 km at 1550 nm | 0.45 dB / 1 km at 1310 nm

• Fibre performance: OS2 9/125 µm

• Optic fibre type: Loose tube diameter: 250 µm

• Type of cable: Unitube light armoured

• Number of optic fibre: 12

• Bending radius: 10 x overall diameter long term | 20 x overall diameter short term

• Pulling force: 1500 N installed | 600 N operation

• colour: Sheath: black

• Type of installation: Outdoor

• cabling installation system: Cable duct

• Diameter: 10.6 mm cable +/- 0.2 mm | 0.8 mm cable +/- 0.2 mm

• Cable weight: 82 kg / 1000 m

• Ambient air temperature for operation: -40…70 °C

Environmental characteristic: UV and water resistant: HDPE (high-density polyethylene) | Rodent retardant: PSP (polyethylene steel polyethylene)